Properties of Test Statistics for Nonparametric Cointegrating Regression Functions Based on Subsamples
Mosaferi, S., Kaiser, M. S., and Nordman, D. J. (2024+)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (forthcoming)
doi:10.1080/10618600.2023.2301079; arXiv:2312.16162 [GAUSS and R code]
An Unbiased Predictor for Skewed Response Variable with Measurement Error in Covariate
Mosaferi, S., Ghosh, M., and Sugasawa, S. (2024+)
Statistica Sinica (forthcoming)
doi:10.5705/ss.202023.0098; supplement; arXiv:2308.11081 [R code]
An Application of a Small Area Procedure with Correlation between Measurement Error and
Sampling Error to the Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Berg, E. J. and Mosaferi, S. (2023+)
Journal of Official Statistics (forthcoming)
doi: 10.1177/0282423X241240835; supplement; arXiv:2110.10272 [R code]
Transformed Fay-Herriot Model with Measurement Error in Covariates
Mosaferi, S., Ghosh, M., and Steorts, R. C. (2023)
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 52 (5): 2257–2274
doi:10.1080/03610918.2021.1901917; arXiv:2103.04025
Transformed Fay-Herriot Model with Measurement Error in Covariates
Mosaferi, S. and Steorts, R. C. (2020)
Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association
Spatio-Temporal Mixed Models to Predict Coverage Error Rates at Local Areas
Mosaferi, S. (2016)
Poster- arXiv:1910.05494
Empirical and Constrained Empirical Bayes Variance Estimation under a One Unit per Stratum Sample Design
Mosaferi, S. (2015)
Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association
Can Rolling Census Be Conducted in Iran?
Mosaferi, S. and Navvabpour, H. (2011)
Iranian Journal of Official Statistics Studies, 22 (2): 147–158 (in Persian)
A Recommendation for Net Undercount Estimation in Iran Population and Dwelling Censuses
Mosaferi, S. and Navvabpour, H. (2011)
Journal of Statistical Research of Iran, 8 (2): 229–251
Working Papers
Non-Parametric Cointegrating Regression Functions with Endogeneity and Semi-Long Memory
Mosaferi, S. and Kaiser, M. S. (Under Review)
Bayesian Estimation of Variance under Fine Stratification via Mean-Variance Smoothing
Mosaferi, S. and Sugasawa, S. (Under Review)
On the Modeling of Heterogeneity of Error Rates in Networks
Mosaferi, S., Kaiser, M. S., and Kitts, J. (In Preparation)
Inference on the Change Point in Spectral Density Functions of Time Series
Mosaferi, S., Bai, P., and Safikhani, A. (In Preparation)
Mosaferi, S. (2022)
PhD Dissertation. Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Mosaferi, S. (2012)
Master's Thesis. Department of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University
Mosaferi, S. (2009)
Advanced Bachelor's Thesis. Department of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University